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High Content and Automation
A Fiji macro for measuring organoid area and size. Click below for more information on how to use orgM, or click here to visit our GitHub and get started.

Image J python / jython macro to analyze 2D cell cultures counting cell density and positive cells for markers of interest.
Read the publication by Carol X. -Q. Chen et al. using CellQ
A program to automatically process qPCR data from csv files in any PCR machine. To create a normalized data table of RNA/DNA quantities, statistics, and bar charts.
Read the publication by Gilles Maussion et al. using Auto-qPCR here.
A Fiji (ImageJ) macro written in jython for automated batch analysis of histology sections.
Read the publication by Omid Tavassoly et al. using HistQ

A Fiji macro written in jython to analysis IF images of cryosection from organoid tissues.
Read the publication by Nguyen-Vi Mohammed et al. using OrgQ here.